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"I suffered from severe dyslexia. I was the only child on my block on Halloween to go 'Trick or Trout' ... here comes that young Williams boy. Better get some fish."

(Robin Williams)

The Daily Challenge of Instructing Students in How to Apply Critical Thinking Skills to All Core Classes.



Some May Require...

Many individuals require one-on-one reading /language therapy with explicit instruction that begins with the basic English phonetic rules and gradually builds into higher levels of learning, using step-by-step, multi-sensory techniques.


'Butkus' Burton 

"Motivational Guidance"

Our Exciting Mission

We believe in personal and quality educational opportunities to meet the needs of students struggling with a variety of learning differences. 


We provide a continuum of services throughout the school year, which address the severity of numerous specific learning challenges such as: comprehen-sive language acquisition, math, science and other subject content.


BLS also provides tutorial services in the effective utilizing of assistive technology, which aids students' overall study skills, motivation and organization. The BLS tutors offer their 

students many effective strategies for preparing for standardized and state testing as well.   

Ms. Jeana lands on 'The Beaches' of Old Mexico.

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