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Curriculum K-6


Home schooling is when a parent or legal guardian of a school-age person operates a home study program, including, but not limited to, reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. Students who are home schooled are not considered public school students.

     Parents/legal guardians must notify the state of the establishment of a home school within thirty (30) days of withdrawal from public/private school and re-notify the state on or before August 1st of each year thereafter. Notification must also be made when a student moves or enrolls in a public or private school.     Parents create an account and log in to provide annual notification to NMPED, update contact details, change geographic school district (if moved), provide enrollment/disenrollment information, and print an official verification of enrollment. This online registration replaces the Letter of Intent to the Secretary of Public Education.

     In accordance with the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, a student’s education records are maintained confidential to the extent permitted by law. The NMPED has not designated information within the agency as directory information as provided in 34 CFR § 99.37.


    1. Read the appropriate instructions for your circumstance:

    2. Go to the NMPED HomeSchool System

      • Log into your account and submit notification for 2023-24

      • If you are new to homeschooling or did not home school in 2019-present, create an account, add your child to your account, and then ENROLL the child for the current school year. (See instructions.)

  1. Withdraw your child from the school/district that he/she attended previously. The school/district may ask for evidence that you registered for homeschool. To print an official confirmation of homeschool notification. Log into the Home School System and click Parent > View/Print Enrollments.

  2. If you enroll your child in a public or private school in the future, log into the Home School System and click Parent > Disenroll to withdraw from home schooling.

  3. Families can elect to operate a home school at any time, and provide notification at that time. In subsequent years, however, state law requires that notification be provided each year by August 1st. Please maintain your login User ID and password in order to re-enroll your child in home school each school year.


     Home school families who elect not to use a computer or mobile device to provide notification via the online database may print, sign, and mail in a Hard Copy to...




300 Don Gaspar Ave.,

Santa Fe, NM; 87501.


NMPED staff will enter the data into the database. Parents are advised to mail the form via Certified Return Receipt or other delivery verification for their records.




To homeschool in New Mexico, follow these steps: In Depth Info Click Here


1. Be Qualified to Teach:

     In order to homeschool in New Mexico, you must have a high school diploma or its equivalent (GED/HiSet).


2. Notify the state superintendent of your intent to homeschool:

     Notification must be made to the New Mexico Public Education Department within 30 days of starting your homeschool and annually by August 1 thereafter. The August 1 notice must identify the school district in which you are homeschooling.


Mail the form to this address:

New Mexico Department of Education
Attn: Home School Notification
300 Don Gaspar 
Santa Fe, NM 87501-2786

You can also submit the notice of intent online, here.


3. Teach for the required number of days:

     You should teach for the same number of days that your local public school is in session (generally 180 days).


4. Teach the required subjects:

     You should include reading, language arts, math, social studies, and science in your homeschool curriculum.


5. Maintain immunization records:

     You can obtain a waiver of this requirement if you have a religious objection or medical exemption.  

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3438 Tesuque

Alamogordo, N.M. 88310


Created by Joe Burton @ Web Site Designs

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